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About us

The British Society for Immunology's mission is to support our immunology community in driving scientific discovery and making a positive impact on health. We accomplish this by:

  • Providing the immunology community with support to establish more connections and enhance collaboration, both within their field and with other related scientific disciplines and between sectors.
  • Providing sector-leading support to attract and retain talent in immunology.
  • Influencing and improving the external environment to enable immunology to thrive and deliver positive outcomes for health.

The BSI has set our strategic aims for the next five years to lead a positive change towards our vision of better health for all through immunology. 

The BSI is committed to working with our members and community to ramp up our equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) work and respond to members’ needs.

Each year, the British Society for Immunology produces an annual report and financial statements to clearly demonstrate how we support and advance immunology and how we are achieving against our strategy. 

Meet the team at the BSI and find out more about our members, governance and Regional and Affinity groups.

The BSI works with many science, health and research bodies on different projects to support our aims. 


The BSI works with many science, health and research bodies on different projects to support our aims. 


The BSI is one of the oldest, largest, and most active, immunology societies in the world and is one of the largest in Europe.

The BSI is committed to providing a good service for our members and working in an open and accountable way that builds trust and respect.  

Get in touch with us with any enquiries you may have, or connect on our socials.